1oz Gold Rum
1oz Light Rum
0.5oz Creme de Banane
0.5oz Lime juice (freshly squeezed)
0.25oz Rich Demerara syrup
Dash of Aromatic Bitters
A Banana
30ml Gold Rum
30ml Light Rum
15ml Creme de Banane
15ml Lime juice (freshly squeezed)
7.5ml Rich Demerara syrup
Dash of Aromatic Bitters
A Banana
1. Grab a liquidiser for this one
2. Cut your banana in half, saving the stem end (we’re going to make a dolphin)
3. Into the liquidiser, add your spirits (minus the bitters) and half the banana with a scoop of crushed ice and blend until slushy
4. Pour into a glass or a mug and top with a dash of bitters and a straw
5. Garnish with anything you like
It’s great to drink at this point! If you want to add the dolphin, here’s how:
1. Using the top half of the banana you’ve saved, split the stalk in half to form a mouth. Hold it open with a cocktail cherry. Cloves work well for the eyes.
2. If you’re really going for it, use Pineapple fronds to make the fins – you might just need to cut into the banana first.
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